Saturday 27 May 2017

Lack Of Concentration And Focus In Children A Major Cause For Tension Among Parents

 Weak memory and an inability to focus on any specific task may not seem like obvious symptoms of depression, but they are more connected than most people realize. Scientists have  suggested that processing speed, the ability to take in information quickly and efficiently — is impaired in individuals who are depressed," explains 
Dr. Priyanka Srivastava,  child psychologist in noida and has an experience of 21 years in these fields. Many areas of the brain are involved with the creation and retrieval of memories. At first, these chronic diseases or issues might seem to slightly annoying but if not given proper attention or focus they might seem to go out of control and might destroy the whole of the life of the child/patient. Hence these issues must be taken very seriously otherwise there are chances that the patient might lose its memory for forever.
Causes Of Depression or lack of concentration as suggested by psychologist in noida:-
·        Stress or anxiety
·        Depression
·        Sleep deprivation
·        Alcohol or drug abuse
·        Menopause
·        Hormonal change
·        Stroke
·        Thyroid Problems
·        Anemia
·        Head injury
·        Dementia

Difficulty in focusing is quite normal and regular occurrence for most people. Exhaustion and emotional stress can cause problems in focusing on almost every person.Hormonal changes, which female experiences during menopause or pregnancy, can also affect how they memorize and concentrate. Concentration problems, when present to an unrestricted degree, are also characteristic of certain physical and psychological conditions. The hallmark condition associated with difficulty concentrating is attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a condition that has been increasingly diagnosed in both children adults in recent years
Remedies to cure psychological problems as suggested by psychologist in noida:-
ü  Exercise or workout
ü  Reduce the amount of caffeine intake
ü  Quit consuming alcohol
ü  Quit smoking
ü  Meditate
ü  Using adaptive approaches
ü  Giving proper medication
ü  Electroconvulsive therapy
Getting treatment for depression — which includes psychotherapy, medication, or other treatment — is a must to get a handle on related cognitive problems such as memory loss and lack of concentration. There are also particular steps which you can take to boost your brain and ability to concentrate. Speak with your doctor to determine the best options for you. Often, a combination of these treatment methods yields the best result child psychologist in noida is an expert in the study of human behavior. A child psychologist and counselor helps in understanding memory processes and actions of children and understanding them to guide appropriate mental health treatment. Similar to other psychologists, a child psychologist needs a master's degree or doctoral degree, but also with importance and additional training in children's mental health.

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