Tuesday 16 May 2017

How To Know If It’s OCD Or Love?

Relationship OCD (ROCD) is a form of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) in which the sufferer experiences intrusive, unwanted and distressing thoughts about the strength, quality, and “true nature” of their love for their partner. Obsessions in ROCD include a preoccupation with a partner’s appropriateness as a mate, overall level of attractiveness, sexual desirability, or long-term compatibility, and often arise in otherwise entirely healthy relationships. People often confuse themselves OCD as love, this generally happens after a breakup because people tend to lose their ability to take the right decision and in the correct possible manner. Mutual breakups don't cause any harm in the thinking process,  but the breakups which are one sided makes to opposite sex go wild or mad. The person becomes wild and greedy for kissing, touching, fondling, oral sex, anal sex, intercourse, incest and rape" with "strangers, acquaintances, parents, children, family members, friends, coworkers, animals and religious figures", and can include metrosexual or homosexual content" with persons of any age. These people need psychological help which is mainly done the help of a well trained and well practised psychologist in Noida.
source: google.com

There appear to be some genetic components with both identical twins more often affected than both non-identical twins. Risk factors include a history of child abuse or other stress inducing event. Some cases have been documented to occur following infections. The diagnosis is based on the symptoms and requires ruling out other drugs related or medical causes. Rating scales such as the Yale–Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale can be used to assess the severity. Recently a case came upon in Noida, where a person was severely suffering from this mental illness for a prolonged period of time , Then he was taken to the best psychologist in Noida, where he was kept for couple weeks and given continuous and special therapy and which immediately helped him to recover and after that he got no tendency of OCD.

A certain amount of anxiety and uncertainty is quite natural, and anyone considering “forever” would be well-advised to accept the possibility that their relationship may not endure. However, those with ROCD are missing out on the best parts of their relationship with their partner precisely because of their dysfunctional relationship with their anxiety. If you are struggling with ROCD, your obsessions and compulsions are keeping you from being fully present in a committed relationship with your partner. Only after divorcing your ROCD will you be able to clearly see the person in front of you. By pulling the plug on this most toxic of relationships, and accepting uncertainty as a normative experience, you can then begin a deeper commitment to intimacy with the person you love. According to my personal experience, I would only suggest psychologist in Noida, which not only helps a patient to recover mentally but also comforts him/her time to time so that patient doesn’t lose his/her morale and help him to recover in a faster and efficient manner and also makes him a better human.

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